
Langkawi Dairy 1

Coral Island 2: depart at 1130..that was my ferry

Dataran Lang...Langkawi's landmark

Hahaha..when I arrived here, I feel excited. Wao, I am going to start my practical soon.. Works!!.. escape from study...face the real world, I welcome it and I know it is more cruel and realistic than school life but I must face it don’t bother I like it or not..this is life… haha..my company- Taliworks Langkawi Sdn Bhd.

When the first I came here, I met Mr.Lai first, the regional manager. He was resign from the engineer post but still can makes some in charges in the company. Malaysia law states engineer must get down from his post after officially resign age, if I am not mistaken. The first thing is I get a scolded from him. He commented on my appearance and many other comments. Ish….The first thing in my mind, am I going to die in his hand..?? hahaha…of course not.. and the other thing is I been fool by the colleagues..ish…leave me sit there and didn’t bring me to the manager..the real manager in my company is En.Amaran..and my supervisor is Cik Umiruhayu..It was a not good opening for my practical life…

Luckily I met Mr.Lai. Maybe this is the arrangement from God. Send me a helper. He helps me and taught me many things about Langkawi. If you watched Monga, the hottest Taiwanese movie now..you will know what is happening in Langkawi. If you are a tourist for a few days it will nothing happen to you. But it is totally different when you are living here. This is the real world …hahaha..so I met some uncle here..i hope I just know them and no need their helping hand because I believe I can take care of myself and not makes my parents worry although they shall worry. At least, do not worry so much. Mr.Lai not going to teach me about engineering things but he taught me about meaning of life. He keeps his memory in Langkawi, he keeps his first plank house in Langkawi and a pressure tank designed by him and many many things..I visited some of them..hohoho..he always tells his life experience.. and keep saying:” youngster nowadays like you, don’t know anything. This is not tells in books and this is life. You must learn this.. When I am in the age like you, I can design and build these things and take care of my family member”…blar blar blar…isyh, ya, of course I am trying to learn…he takes care of me because I am the Chung Ling student, he been helped by Chung Ling seniors before so he is going to pay back for Chung Ling people..what a oweful person..so I really thankful to him..God bless you.. But he going to tell my bad things when he meets my parents..he is from Bukit Mertajam, not far from Butterworth…isyh..so gham…can’t run off this..

Hahaa..i am doing the same work every day, Water quality control test. It is a simple job but still need to learn and practice the lab methods. This is to make sure that water distributes into the households, resorts, hotels and shops in Langkawi is safe to use in any purpose. Now I havr a more clearly view of what I am studying about. And I had a view on water treatment plant..

I meet Kak Long..my neighbour..she teachs me alots in lab..she is a lab assistants from Taliworks Langkawi. Elias and Hamizan are a excellent bowling player..score 200+ is a cup of tea..wao, we date go to bowling every Tuesday..hahaha…nice.. Elias also a badminton player..damn skillful..lot of thing he can do..is a long story to tell about him.. One thing is, my colleagues are good in playing badminton…haha

Elias is going to roll his bowling ball...^^

I visited the Pier..

i had my medium steak here..NICE AND AWESOME....

it treated by Mr. Lai..a café run by a British…Many westerners stop here..Can talk whatever you want here…hahaha….

Hear some adventure story from westerners is quite interesting..they always back package and travel around the world…

The Dutch couple travel the world by their own yacht already 3 and the half years..from Netherland then Mediterranean then Death Sea and Red Sea then Indian Ocean then Malaysia and Borneo… Can you believe it?? Damn adventure…really a professional windjammer….Story from Netherland…you heard before?? I heard..haha..

Only the blue shirt is Dutch, the middle is British and the right is from France...they relax themselves in Lankawi Island

They come for 3 weeks and shall leave Malaysia next week and shall back to Langkawi and Penang Island next year..they owned a business in Penang too…small hotel for back packagers..i don’t where is the place..because the address is a small road..and they have difficulty to tell the real address..so just leave it behind…

I visited a bistro too~~~….do not remember the name….hahaha…run by a young Chinese guy..called Philips and his friends..good food…I tasted the chicken…garlic bread and garlic cheese bread, mixed salad and fish and chips here…those were treated by Mr.Lai again..hohoh~~~eat nice food and no need pay…Amazing.. Really can makes a big money here if you can successfully run a food business in Langkawi.. The keys is make sure you can provide nice foods and good services…everything comes cheap here but can sell in high price…but must have a very strong social relationship here…

2nd weeks, Adam finally comes..i wait for his arrival…hahaha…only friend who practical in Langkawi..we went out yesterday…we went Pantai Kok…

Yacht again~~~~cool~~

haha...and also Teow Shoon Huat Mall..

Which one is the best...just pick the most expensive one...><

We ate Power Laksa in Padang Matsirat…it located near to the airport..hahha…the laksa taste good..but the rojak is only soso…forgot to take photos tim…next time la… Shit!! Adam…he ate little..it is gonna makes me fat…

Finally, we bought some cakes…

damn happy…see my face can know everything..

because I like pastry and cakes…A LOTS….long time never had cakes already…I told Adam, if I had a friend can makes these things…or nice food…I will stick on him or her in my life time..NEVER LEAVE…hahah…this is real.. it is a pleasure if can see a table of nice home cooks after work or hungry…haha.. a person cooks for me then I shall cook back for the person…hahha.. that’s all for 2 weeks life..hope good and memorable things happen in the coming days..thanks god..






亲戚…可笑,这算哪门子亲戚…? 如果我以后的亲戚会是这副德性,我可以大声地说:“我不希罕有你们这样的亲戚!!”

我的父母教导我们要以德待人,不要做任何亏待被人的事,凡事对别人宽容,不要计较那么多,好人会有好报。但你们这些所谓的亲戚只会得寸进尺, 一有机会就会在别人头上撒尿。有句广东俗话“三分颜色上大红”,就是用来形容你们。我们家为了你们这些所谓亲戚的事情,大大小小都争辩了多少次,我都数不清了。已经是大人了,有手有脚的,为什么不像办法多找一点钱,为了养家,自己想办法啦。现在搞到来我们家偷东西,这次是偷钱。

一登门到访就翻箱倒柜的…你们不觉得丢脸吗? 之前牙膏、蚊油、香烟,都要A,手机也拿走了….都已经不跟你们计较了…..什么意思嘛? 亲戚是这样子的吗? 这样的亲戚有什么意思? 要帮忙就说嘛,商量看看啦。用偷的,去你的XX。再不然,讲直接一点啦,那么要面子的话,自己赚,出来卖啦….最起码是自己出力自己赚…还会敬佩你们。我真得不懂你们会怎样教育你们的孩子。还真想知道….

我自觉我们家并没有对不起你们,当你们有难的时候,哀求我们的帮助,我们家什么时候没帮过你们? 借钱时你们叫我们老爸,要还钱时,我们叫你们十声大老爷也未必收得回。真是水泼落地歹收回。你们需要养家,我们家就不需要生活费? 有什么事情发生就大哥前…大哥后… 都是有家室的人了,有什么事情是不能自己解决吗? 大哥有事时,你们几时有帮过大哥? 要人家帮忙又不可以给人家讲,讲两句又会脸黑脸臭,不能忍? 那就不要惹这么多麻烦,让人帮你们擦屁股。公公婆婆老了,你们有谁是真心要照顾的? 竟然可以说:“没有女佣,就不能照顾老人,除非你请一个给我。”什么嘛? 这样还不如我们家自己顾。

想到就觉得气,到底是什么因,才会有你们这种亲戚? 现在我家竟然出现了内家贼,真是防不胜防。如果有一天我也有家室的话,我会多加注意的。我也为了我未来的家,有了未来的原则和计划。决不让步…不退让….这可真像《钱不够用2》的剧情…呵呵…..面对你们真的超无言

同志爱情片- 曼谷爱情故事

曼谷爱情故事….泰国原名为- 兄弟…我爱你…..一部讲述一位杀手 - 云 和一位警察-石 的爱情故事。该片在第17届素潘娜宏颁奖礼(泰国本土最高规格的电影颁奖礼)上一举摘得最佳录音奖,最佳摄影奖和最佳剧本奖。并同时为2007比利时国际独立电影展 最佳影片 以及 香港同志电影节的开幕片。

故事中,云- 身世坎坷,生活在社会阶级的最底层。生活没有目标,随波逐流。就如他的名字- 云。有一个身染艾滋病的母亲和弟弟- 雾。至于,石- 已婚,妻子的名字- 莎。属于社会的中上阶级,原来与妻子过着幸福的二人世界。


这样的简介看起来很浪漫,其实当看完整部电影就觉得整个故事其实很空洞。主要是编剧就瞎到令人无法接受。故事的气氛就如电影的拍摄手法,很灰。有如云对人生的看法,这个世界太寂寞,太凄凉。拍摄手法是OK的。对我个人而言,只能用这样的形容- 闷、感觉不到云和石彼此之间爱的感觉,表达得不够深刻。只是在炒作现在正夯的同志话题。唯一的看点是泰国时尚男模(现年20岁)的石-Charyawat SangThong 的健美、诱人、性感的好身材。这算是造福看这部电影的同志和女人吧。





中心是我永远爱的地方….我的家→ 北海→ 槟城
六月初…最爱韩片→ 霜花店….
六月初…最爱泰片→ 荷尔蒙,暹罗之恋….曼谷爱情故事….
六月初…最爱歌手→ 张悬, 蔡依林,王力宏,萧闳仁,动力火车,张悬,戴佩妮,苏打绿,Rihanna….
六月初…最爱综艺→ 康熙来了,大学生了没….
六月初…最爱台剧→ 败犬女王….
六月初…最爱自己→ 新发型
六月初…继续期待→ 爱情,大学朋友的gathering…..


霜花店 (A Frozen Flower)









